Turn Low Energy Blues into POSITIVE ENERGY HIGHS

Unfortunately, sadness, depression and lethargy are more prevalent during the holiday season than happiness or joy are. One way to prevent “negative” energy (Sha Chi) from overshadowing you this season… is to de-clutter your environment before January 1st..!

If you find yourself feeling hollow, empty, lonely, overwhelmed, and/or lost, immediately start cleaning and clearing out “clutter” and “stuff”. Don’t forget to clear:


-inside your closets,

-inside your cupboards,

-inside your drawers,

-the car,

-your office

-the desk,

-the briefcase/backpack,

-the garage

-the entire home.

You will be amazed at how good this makes you feel!

Too, this is the season to be charitable. Ask members of the family, including your children, to space clear their belongings and to give away box loads of “clothing, toys, and miscellaneous stuff” to charity before the New Year. Your gift of kindness is guaranteed to brighten the lives of others, and when this happens – your life gets sweeter and brighter tooEmojiEmojiEmojiEmoji

Gift the gift of LOVE today,



with Feng Shui

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