In BA-GUA or Western Feng Shui, the SPIRITUALITY and KNOWLEDGE Gau is located in the bottom left hand corner of the BA-GUA, or in this area of your house. I’m referring to the bottom left hand corner of your floor plan, based on your (main) entrance door.
** Obtain a f*ree BA-GUA here **.
This area is often referred to as the “spirituality and knowledge” corner. However, in essence it represents far more than this and deserves special attention because it does not always have to do with academic or spiritual studies.
For example – note the four colors on the puzzle above. Gold represents WEALTH/ABUNDANCE, Blue (or black) represents CAREER, Green represents HEALTH/FAMILY and Red represents your FAME/FORTUNE. Thus, if you are having problems or challenges in one or more of these areas of your life, it could represent a DEFICIENCY in your “skill,” or in your ability to improve one or more of these areas on your own. Therefore, this area would make a great place for a library, a study, reflection area and/or meditation room. If this is not possible, you can place books that symbolize the “skills” that you hope to learn in this corner of your room, apartment, condo, home or office. Perhaps even photos of famous people who have mastered the skill set that you wish to possess yourself. For example: You might want to add a photo of Einstein for brilliance in math, science and psychology. Perhaps a photo of Deepak Chopra for guidance in health and meditation. Oprah or Bill Gates to represent the kind of wisdom and self-mastery you wish to achieve. The important thing is to select people you “admire and respect,” as their energy needs to inspire yours. Symbolism is strong in Western Feng Shui. Therefore, you can also add a tree or plant to represent personal growth, a judge’s gavel for knowledge or perhaps a chess set for self-empowerment. Regardless what SYMBOLS AND COLORS you decide to use, the important thing is that you “examine” your visions, dreams and goals and Feng Shui this area with focused INTENTION and ATTENTION to detail.
Simply stated. This area is a sleeper – A POWERHOUSE GUA -and it’s time to wake it up..!
YOU CAN DO IT, Suzee Miller SEE MORE – HAVE MORE – BE MORE with Feng Shui! Follow us “daily” on FACEBOOK for more Truths, Tips and Techniques. Learn Integrative Feng Shui Anytime 24/7 VISIT our LIVE, LOVE AND PROSPER BLOG 2017 © All Rights RESERVED. |