Feng Shui Supports KINDNESS

A Feng Shui environment magnetizes blessings and good fortune.

Eight out of ten people say that they feel an increase in prosperity, opportunity and/or money within days/weeks of Feng Shui.

Given this, why not share some of the ABUNDANCE and POSITIVE ENERGY that is enriching your life, with others? There is nothing that generates more POSSITIVITY in the world than extending our hearts to one another, or lending a helping hand to someone in need.

Here are some Random Acts of KINDNESS “ideas” from Spiritualbiz:

  • Bring your assistant coffee
  • Call or write to a teacher who changed your life
  • Clean up graffiti
  • Cook a meal for someone
  • Donate used books to a library
  • Forgive someone a debt–and never bring it up again
  • Give a homeless person a meal
  • Help someone for free
  • Leave a generous tip for a pleasant waiter
  • Make blankets for the homeless
  • Mentor a child or teen
  • Offer to baby-sit for a single mom
  • Offer to pick up groceries for an elderly neighbor
  • Pay the toll for the driver behind you
  • Put a coin in an expired meter
  • Read to someone
  • Say “please” and “thank you”—and really mean it
  • Simply say “I’m sorry” when you’re wrong
  • Visit an animal shelter
  • Visit the elderly in a nursing home
  • Write a letter to someone who has made a difference in your life
  • Smile at a stranger
  • Adopt a soldier

We will never know how much an act of KINDNESS means to someone, or how it might change their life or destiny.

What we do know is that it makes us feel good inside to GIVE – in the ways that we can.

Acts of kindness also helps us create a more MINDFUL society.


What’s important, from a Feng Shui perspective, is to do things that bring us JOY and to do them often.

Likewise, it’s equally important for us to give MONEY whenever possible as well.


In Feng Shui, when we “come from” ABUNDANCE – it allows the Universe to mirror back to us, MORE.

Not just more money, but more of our own DIVINITY.

Here is how a simple Random Act of KINDNESS can circle back to us:


“To pray to God is beautiful and to study God is the path to enlightenment, but to become like God is truly Divine.”  Kabbalist – Karen Berg


Suzee Miller
Feng Shui Author. Educator. Consultant

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