Peaceful and Powerful MOTHERING

Have you ever heard of MAGICAL MOTHERING?

Thanks to our client Stephanie Mathews of California – peaceful and powerful mothering is crossing borders and EMPOWERING women everywhere.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a mother in Europe, Africa, Asia or America – mothers are uniting now to help each other become their AUTHENTIC selves.

Most of us spend time and dollars taking care of ourselves, but mothers often don’t (or at least don’t feel they) have the luxury to do this with the demands of motherhood weighing them down.  Often tired and depleted, mothers lose their “identity and true self” in the name of love and service.

If you are a mother and can relate to this, or have a daughter, relative or friend who feels this way – Stephanie has a gift for you/them.

MOTHERS are invited to attend her-


Yes, it’s a weekend retreat. A ‘virtual reality retreat” that a mother can take from the comfort of her home, and it’s F.REE..!

So, mark your calendar now for MAY 5-7, or email this to a MOTHER you know who would benefit by living her life with more balance, abundance, grace and ease.

This gives mothers plenty of time to take the first step towards helping themselves. Setting time aside for LUXURY AND SELF-EMPOWERMENT.


Save the Date and Sign up as a guest!

Meet the Speakers


I look forward to seeing you there,

Suzee Miller
Feng Shui Author. Educator. Consultant


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