Is this Good or Bad FENG SHUI..?
Take a minute and look closely at this living room environment, and ask yourself this question: Besides the obvious, what is wrong with this Feng Shui? Too many BEAMS of course is the most obvious Feng Shui problem with this environment. If they are just decorative in nature, then removing the majority or all of them is the best remedy. Next, there is an OVER DOMINANCE of the EARTH and WOOD elements present. The elements FIRE and WATER are absent altogether, and METAL is weak. LOOKS CAN BE DECEIVING CAN’T THEY..? Although warm and cozy at first glance – this living environment is “extremely” out of balance not only elementally, but it is also CLUTTERED with too many pillows and things on the floor as well. MORE IMPORTANTLY, it is absent of the basic “healing and harmonizing” principles of Feng Shui décor. BE CAREFUL..! A living environment is LIVING, and it will either support you or deplete your energy, your health and/or your finances over time. For more info on this – visit us at: Imnput code: Suzee and receive a 20% DISCOUNT at checkout-today. It’s time to…
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Is this Good or Bad FENG SHUI ..?