When your ‘living’ environment is in BALANCE – your mind, body and spirit come into alignment and harmony too.
However, do not assume that this alone will turn back the aging process. Feng Shui raises your INNER CHI – ENERGY – so that you can do the work necessary to achieve optimum health and vitality. With diet, it’s Organic foods and smoothies. With exercise – it’s the FIVE Tibetans! DO YOU HAVE 20 MINUTES A DAY TO DEDICATE TO EXERCISE..? If so, 5 Yoga practices a day is all that it takes to turn back the aging process with Feng Shui..! According to Tibetan Lamas, the only difference between youth and old age is the spin rate of the chakras (the body’s seven major energy centers – illustrated in the graphic above). The Five Tibetans are sometimes called the “rites of rejuvenation” because Lamas believe the ageing process is stopped by the unblocking and activation of chakra spinning. Recent medical research has uncovered convincing evidence that the ageing process is hormone regulated. The sequence of the FIVE Tibetan exercises normalizes hormonal imbalances in the body, which is the key to lasting youth, vitality, and well-being. If you are ready to turn back the aging process with grace and ease .. you can learn how to do it at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjtslbrFbLY My recommendation is to start slow. Do each exercise 3 times until you can build up to 21 times/each, over the next 30 to 90 days. Ellen does a great job illustrating these yoga poses, however; you do not need to do them quite as slow as she does – if time is limited. The important thing is that you do them at least 5 days/week, so you can activate the chakra’s of your body and stop the aging process. IN HEALTH AND AGELESS BEAUTY, Suzee Miller
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Turn Back AGING with Feng Shui