SHA CHI (Qi) and the Five Senses
SHA CHI is NEGATIVE ENERGY..! You have heard of poison arrows and chaotic energy in Feng Shui, but did you know that SHA CHI can affect your FIVE SENSES too..? Here are a few things to consider: SHA SIGHT: Dead and dying plants, disturbing artwork, clutter, bright lights, trash, dark rooms, junk, natural disasters, violence, prejudice, acts of terrorism, and war. SHA SOUND: Planes, trains, sirens, alarms, arguments, screaming, gun shots, bombs, loud or acidic music, lies, tone of voice, disturbing language, explosions, hurricanes and other natural disasters that destroy people and property. SHA TOUCH: Dust, grime, dirt, sticky substances, cracks, rough surfaces, splintered wood, aggression, unwanted sexual advances, and even tears. SHA SMELL: Garbage, pollution, kitchen and bathroom odors, offensive perfumes, car exhaust, industrial fumes, mildew, pungent foods, toxins, and mold. SHA TASTE: Bitter, sweet, sour, salty, spicy, and/or rotten food.
Depending on your personal likes and dislikes and/or on your way of being in the world, feel free to add or take things away from the descriptions above. The important thing to remember about SHA CHI and the FIVE SENSES is that “negative influences” can affect your mental and emotional health, as well as your body temple.
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SHA CHI (Qi) and the Five Senses