REVERENCE for Feng Shui Reverence – a noun 1. deep respect for someone or something synonyms: high esteem, high regard, great respect, acclaim, admiration, appreciation, “reverence for art and science” _____________________________________________ Feng Shui (pronounced fung schway) means Wind and Water. It’s about our environment. That piece of land, that portion of the Earth that is ours. That was shaped by the power of wind and water. Our Earth’s size, contour, level, and overall appearance is continually changing and being transformed by the natural forces of wind and water. We often forget that Feng Shui is an EARTH art and EARTH science that affects every aspect of our body, mind, spirit and soul. Feng Shui is often described in the following Chinese phrase: “Tian ling di li ren he” The translation means auspicious heavenly influence, beneficial topography and harmonious human action. _________________________________________________________________ “Reverence is a word that has tumbled out of use and favor in today’s world, and humanity has paid a high price for its loss. “ At the heart of reverence is a deep understanding of our fundamental INTERCONNECTEDNESS to everything in the Universe. Whether a parent, teacher, child, lover or prayer – a sense of reverence opens flowing pathways of .. respect, love, grace and gratitude for people and the Earth.
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REVERENCE for Feng Shui