Land, Ranch and Farm Feng Shui
Due to absence of water and/or distance, large parcels of land are often times not easy to Feng Shui. My recommendation is to do the 4 corners of the land first, then move on to complete the other Guas. Feng Shui PLACEMENTS do not need to cover large portions of land on desert, ranch or farm properties, but they do need to radiate ENERGY..! Above and below are photos of what our cowboy client – Antonio Manfrediz – did – to Feng Shui his ranch in Arizona. The interior of his Hacienda is space cleared and has beautiful Feng Shui too. Today, he is dedicated to maintaining the Feng Shui of his land with the use of SYMBOL, COLOR and INTENTION… in every season. By the way, since his Feng Shui consultation a year ago, Antonio took a vacation with his 34 and 35 year old son and daughter for the first in over 25 years!!! The three of them had a FABULOUS time together too! In addition, he bought a new SUV, spent 4 months in Miami and 2 months in Mexico vacationing this year. In January he intends to tour Cuba for a couple of months as well. In Antonio’s words: “I love the energy of my home and property.. My personal and family life is much more joyful and abundant today. I owe it all to Feng Shui!” SHARE THIS TRUTH AND TIP SEE MORE – HAVE MORE – BE MORE with Feng Shui! Follow us “daily” on FACEBOOK for more Truths, Tips and Techniques. Learn Integrative Feng Shui Anytime 24/7 Commit to Becoming Your Highest and Best Self in 2016 VISIT our LIVE, LOVE AND PROSPER BLOG 2016 © All Rights RESERVED. |
Land, Ranch and Farm Feng Shui