Follow Your .. JOY Robert Holden, Ph.D., Author and MORE from the UKI just returned from an amazing 5 day COACH CAMP/retreat with the most “genuine and authentic” human being whose presence I’ve ever had the pleasure to BE with.176 people from around the world came together as the expression of ONE living SPIRIT. It was as Robert would call it: A HOLY SHIFT, and it TRULY was holy, powerful and divine. Below is a f*ree gift from Robert that I’m happy to share with you. Here’s an overview of what you will learn: A Daily Choice: Some people chase happiness and others choose happiness. The Real More: Getting clear on the “sacred stuff” of your life. Shift Happens: Giving up all hopes for a better past and living happily even after. Happiness NOW: Using the power of happiness to be a truly loving presence in the world. You can download the file by right clicking “save as” on your audio devise, or just listen. You will want to set aside at least one “undisturbed” hour for this empowerment program. Enjoy Robert’s INSIGHT, WISDOM and LIGHTNESS OF BEING, Suzee Miller SHARE THIS TRUTH AND TIP SEE MORE – HAVE MORE – BE MORE with Feng Shui! Follow us “daily” on FACEBOOK for more Truths, Tips and Techniques. Learn Integrative Feng Shui Anytime 24/7 Commit to Becoming Your Highest and Best Self in 2016 2016 © All Rights RESERVED. |
Follow Your .. JOY