Feng Shui and ABUNDANCE
Abundance is a one-way street.
In Feng Shui, you are either heading for lack or headed for ABUNDANCE.
If you Feng Shui your home and work environments, properly, the space you occupy will support rich thoughts and creative ideas. However, it’s your responsibility to align yourself, daily, with positive thoughts and energy. A person with a RICH CONSCIOUSNESS does not walk the same ‘mental’ plane (street) as a person with a poor person’s mentality. You must have rich thoughts to create ABUNDANCE in your life. BE CAREFUL. YOUR THOUGHTS AND WORDS EXUDE – POWERFUL ENERGY. People who constantly talk about “lack and limitation” i.e. what things cost, what they cannot afford, who criticize or judge people with money or how people spend money, or who spend endless hours trying to beat the system to save a dollar .. reap “more” lack and limitation. Plus, they experience a whole lot more stress in their lives as well. We live in a SPECTACULAR UNIVERSE. It’s infinite and abundant beyond our comprehension, and there is enough riches and abundance for everyone. To tap into it – Praise, Thanksgiving, Gratitude, and Positive thinking open-up pathways to unlimited HAPPINESS AND ABUNDANCE. Thus, when you focus on WHAT’S RIGHT WITH PEOPLE AND THE WORLD, and what you are grateful and thankful for (instead of what is lacking and wrong), the UNIVERSE will shower you with more things to be grateful and thankful for..! Your thoughts and emotions, along with your connection to the Divine, dictate the course of your destiny .. minute to minute.
Rich thoughts and rich behavior – create rich outcomes in Feng Shui, Suzee Miller SEE MORE – HAVE MORE – BE MORE with Feng Shui! Follow us “daily” on FACEBOOK for more Truths, Tips and Techniques. Learn Integrative Feng Shui Anytime 24/7 VISIT our LIVE, LOVE AND PROSPER BLOG Contact us for a Feng Shui Consultation 2018 © All Rights RESERVED. |
Feng Shui and ABUNDANCE..!