My friends and clients Joanne and Randy Tyler came to visit me. They couldn’t believe how GREEN the California mountains were over the 4th of July holiday – in spite of very little rain this year.
They said: “ WOW. The trees are getting huge – Jurassic Park HUGE.” Being a physicist, Randy went back home and researched what’s happening. As he surmised, it’s happening all over the whole world! CO2 levels are rising on the planet, and plants love it. The bottom line is – we may get lucky with more food and forests! Here’s a map of what’s going on with the WOOD element: The added CO2 also makes plants more efficient water users so our mountains need very little rain to keep growing. Using complex ecosystem models and a technique known as “fingerprinting”, the authors estimated that 70% of the extra green growth is down to rising CO2 in the atmosphere. Canadell explains: “When CO₂ levels rise, plants don’t need to open their “stomata” (small pores on the leaves’ surface) as much to absorb the same amount of CO₂. This also reduces the loss of water through the same pores…Both more CO₂ and saving water increases plant growth.”
Rising CO2 has ‘greened’ world’s plants and trees | Carbon Brief
Peace and Blessings, Suzee Miller
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The WOOD Element in Feng Shui

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