RADIATION and Feng Shui..!
Your LIFE and Health Matters!
EMF – Electromagnetic Fields of Energy are polluting our environment and compromising our immune system. This hidden enemy is adding additional physical, mental and emotional stress to our already hectic lives and careers. INVISIBLE Radiation – from cell phones, monitor screens, tv’s, remotes, lighting, household appliances, office equipment and smart meters – is draining our body and health of VITAL LIFE FORCE ENERGY on a daily basis. Scientific studies, in the last two decades, report an increase health risk associated with EM waves. The following are a few examples: • MICROWAVE • COMPUTER • CELL PHONES From a Feng Shui and wholistic approach, here are a few things you can do on your own to reduce the effects of radiation in your home and work environment. Obviously, based on the above, it would be wise to avoid microwave foods and to increase your consumption of ORGANIC fruits and vegetables. Because EM waves deplete the immune system, it’s also a good idea to replenish your physical body with vitamins, minerals, and exercise. I also recommend daily doses of prayer, meditation, journaling and/or yoga to help support a healthy immune system. According to Kroeger and Foote, peat moss and kelp can help to remove environmental pollution. You can add a five pound bag of peat moss with one pound of kelp in containers scattered throughout your house to absorb the fallout. Or if you prefer, add a mixture of peat moss, hazel nuts and drops of Melrose oil and place next to your TV, computer and microwave. (Note: You will need to replace this mixture every 3-6 months).
On behalf of Feng Shui Paradigms, I invite you to join us in living life CONSCIOUSLY with Feng Shui, Suzee Miller SEE MORE – HAVE MORE – BE MORE with Feng Shui! Follow us “daily” on FACEBOOK for more Truths, Tips and Techniques. Learn Integrative Feng Shui Anytime 24/7 VISIT our LIVE, LOVE AND PROSPER BLOG 2017 © All Rights RESERVED. |
RADIATION and Feng Shui..!