If you do not own or have LAND to Feng Shui where you live, then an apartment or condo deck can still support you in bountiful ways.
AND,,, You only need to focus on THREE GUAS to see dramatic and lasting results. Also, the plants DO NOT need to be real either..! Can you guess which three GUAS they are – and where to place the colorful flowers? Next week I will share with you whose deck this belongs to, and how it transformed my client’s life … in less than a week!!!
Think outside the box with Feng Shui, Suzee Miller SEE MORE – HAVE MORE – BE MORE with Feng Shui! Follow us “daily” on FACEBOOK for more Truths, Tips and Techniques. THE MYTH, MAGIC AND REALITY OF FENG SHUI Contact Suzee – Experience POSITIVE Change with a Feng Shui Consultation 2019 © All Rights RESERVED. |
A BALCONY Yard in Feng Shui..!