DE-CLUTTER NOW! Unfortunately, sadness, depression and lethargy is more prevalent during the holiday season than is happiness or joy. One way to prevent “negative” energy (Sha Chi) from over shadowing you is to de-clutter your environment. If you find yourself feeling hollow, empty, lonely and/or lost, immediately start cleaning and clearing out “clutter” and “stuff” in your closets, cupboards, drawers, car, office, briefcase, garage and home. This is the season to be CHARITABLE. Ask members of the family, including your children, to space clear their belongings and to give away box loads of “stuff” to charity BEFORE Xmas and/or Hannukah. This is a great way to immediately turn low energy blues into POSITIVE ENERGY HIGHS! FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA SEE MORE – HAVE MORE – BE MORE with Feng Shui! – FUN Feng Shui – PROPERTY and Real Estate Feng Shui – SUCCESS Feng Shui – PROFESSIONAL Feng Shui |