Feng Shui and COLOR
When you Feng Shui, don’t be afraid to use COLOR. Color is a high vibratory field of energy that can literally ATTRACT blessings and good fortune. However, the opposite is also true. So make sure not to fall into the “pretty” trap, and fail to honor the FIVE CHINESE ELEMENTS when you Feng Shui. Too much of “one or two colors” – ELEMENTS – in an environment can wreak havoc on one’s Health, Finances, Relationships and/or Career. This is especially true for people whose Feng Shui element is in conflict with the “over dominant” or the “absent” element(s). SO, PLEASE BE CAREFUL WHEN YOU FENG SHUI The out of balance Feng Shui or the “pretty” room above is a perfect example of TWO elements that are OVER DOMINANT. Do you know which “two” elements they are? Do you know which “three” elements are ABSENT? Do you know which element “PEOPLE” would suffer the most in this living environment..? If not, click here to learn more about Feng Shui and how to use the Five Elements in a productive, reductive and destructive cycle so that you can create not only aesthetically beautiful environments but also safe, healthy and balanced ones too. Invite your friends on FACEBOOK to join us in helping to HEAL the Environment – ONE PERSON and ONE PROPERTY at a time. SHARE THIS TRUTH AND TIP SEE MORE – HAVE MORE – BE MORE with Feng Shui! We will teach you how to do this on our BLOG..!
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Feng Shui and COLOR